Hematoid Fire Quartz Bracelet- Grounding, Protection, Healing, and Inner Strength, Amplifies Intention and Raises Vibration

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$14.00 USD


This powerful Hematoid Fire Quartz Bracelet is what you get when you combine the healing stone Hematite with the master healer Clear Quartz! Hematite offers deep metaphysical healing, grounding, and energetic protection qualities. It's an ancient stone that many ancient cultures adorned themselves with for these purposes. It's said that it detoxifies your mind and body of negativity. This grounding stone helps you tap into your inner strength and power so no storm in your life can shake you! Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and raises vibration of all other stones around. It's great at amplifying energy, absorbing and storing energy too! Available in variety of Crystal Bead Sizes.